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 getdrivername()         Get Current Graphics Driver Name

 #include   <graphics.h>

 char *far getdrivername(void);

        The getdrivername() function returns a pointer to a string
        holding the name of the current graphics driver.

    Returns:    A far pointer to a string which identifies the
                current driver.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

        The following program initializes it and prints out the name
        of the current graphics driver.

 #include <graphics.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <conio.h>

 int main(void)

    char *namedriver;
    int gdriver = DETECT, grmode;

    initgraph(&gdriver, &grmode, "");

    namedriver = getdrivername();

    outtextxy(0, 0, namedriver);
    return 0;

See Also: initgraph()
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